10 Important Accessories Needed for DSLR Camera

10 Important Accessories Needed for DSLR Camera

22/12/2022 General 0
Okay, so you now have a new SLR camera, carrying a SLR-with hand wherever you go and shoot a variety of objects, from the faces of the people at the arround until meatballs subscription. Along with increased flight hours, sooner or later you will start thinking to add photographic accessories to complement your DSLR camera and lens.

To balance the contents of the wallet, it is necessary for you to make spending priorities accessories. So, actually, what the hell photographic accessories most useful (and most popular) for DSLR owners? I chose the following seven accessories for you:

10 Important Accessories Needed for DSLR Camera Cheklist

1. Camera bags

There are various types of camera bags on the market, just select the appropriate taste: from the backpack, belt, sling-slide (sideways) to that resemble suitcases. What is clear here serves camera bag so that we can keep the camera and lens we have for traveling safely. Do not fall, safe from collision and safely from the water.

2 The Additional Batteries
3 Flash External. External Flash will drastically improve your photo quality when compared when you use the default flash inherent in SLR cameras. Have a far greater power, control capability that is much more flexible, and we can adjust the lighting direction that falls into objects more easily.
4. Microphone
5. Lighting
6. Cleaning kit

To maintain the condition of the exterior of the lens and the camera to keep it clean, you need a microfiber cloth and special cleaning fluid. Especially for the lens, as much as possible you protect the lens with UV filter (see filter below), usually to just use a lens blower. Cleaning kit can be purchased in the camera stores.

I do not recommend that you clean the interior of the camera (especially sensors), and submit it to the experts: usually a camera shop provide sensor cleaning services. After all, most SLR now has a self-cleaning facility that is powerful enough to sweep the dust from the sensor. Read also how to detect the presence or absence of dirt in your camera’s sensor.

7 Tripod

Tripod, monopod, Gorillapod, whatever its function is to help you produce sharp images when taking long exposure shutter. Compared to other types, a tripod is still the most popular, because it is relatively more reliable and resilient. Read 12 reasons why you should buy a tripod.

Make sure you buy a tripod with the ability to withstand considerable loads, legs quite easily be extended (and shortened), has a mechanism of insertion and removal of the camera is nice and has a flexible head movement (I recommend the type of ball head).

8 dedicated

With external flash you will be able to produce a much softer lighting, flat and sunny than when using the flash default.

9 .Filter

Filters are accessories that are essential for SLR system. Of the various types of filters, there are three types of eligible you consider to be purchased:

Protection Filter (filter UV or neutral) – in fact function is to protect your lens, this filter is relatively inexpensive so you will be ‘sincere’ make it a bumper mounted in front of the lens. Let the filter air in contact with the dirty-hands-splashing water, and not a lens that costs can be many times more expensive.
Polarization filter or CPL – changing sky that look more ‘in’, eliminates reflection in the water (or glass), that the trees seem greener. Simply put this is like sunglasses for your lens. Read about the functions and how to use CPL filter here.
Filter ND (Neutral density) and Grad-ND – reduce the amount of light entering your camera. If you want to produce a photo waterfall that looks like cotton (long shutter) while it was still too late, then you will need a ND filter so that the light can be reduced (read more about the ND filter here). While the ND filter Gradient (Grad-ND) ND functions like the level of fraud that are graded (upper darker and more down even brighter). Grad-ND is very useful when you are photographing a landscape that involves the heavens, because the light very striking difference between the sky and tanah.grad-ND

10. Shutter Release

In addition to a tripod, additional accessories that will improve the sharpness of your photo is the shutter release. With the shutter release, we do not have to press the shutter button on the camera, just use a shutter release so that you can activate the shutter remotely. Yes, its function is similar remote control of your TV. Shutter release is available in two options: wired and wireless.
The vertical Grip (VG)

If you start more intensive shooting while the camera you do not have a vertical grip features from nature, buy additional vertical grip. Besides being very helpful when shooting in portrait orientation (vertical), VG also serves as a battery backup, so do not worry about running out of battery when absorbed slingshot.

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