2. Prada Bali Hotel
Prada Bali Hotel is one of the budget hotels in the area of Denpasar, Bali. Jasmine itself has certain classes are distinguished by facilities owned by the hotel. The classes include Class I, Class II and Class III. Well, Hotel Prada Bali includes Bed and Class III, which besides being a cheap hotel also has facilities that almost equaled luxury hotels. Especially for those of you who want to vacation in Bali with a relatively low cost, or who want to hold a meeting, this hotel is ready to receive it.
Hotel Prada Bali was built in 1991 on a land area of 0.5 hectares. The hotel is precisely located in JL. Padanggalak 87 Sanur – Bali. In astronomical budget hotels can be found at coordinates 8o 39 ‘23.8 “S, 115o 15’ 36.67” E. Mileage from Ngurah Rai International Airport is approximately 30 minutes and the distance from the center of Denpasar is approximately 15 minutes. JL environment. Padanggalak itself is still relatively quiet environment with didominan paddy fields. In addition the hotel is also located close to the beach Padanggalak which is about 700 m to the south. Each year Padanggalak Beach has an important function for people in around Denpasar. If you come in April is likely that you will be able to see the Melasti ceremony held from early morning until late afternoon. Which you can see the procession Pretima-Pretima (sacred objects Hinduism) as Barong Landung. Or if you come when the month of August, you will find kite festival. Here you will see a variety of kites, kites rasaksa both traditional and creative nature (modern). For more information about the location of this hotel the following maps:View larger map
Hotel Prada Bali is dominated by three main buildings, namely: building for the reservation and a meeting on the front, on the right (north) 10 pieces of hotel rooms and the left (south) 20 pieces of hotel rooms, in addition to building-bangaunan main unisex several buildings Additional bale-bale form which can be used to hold a meeting, lunch or relax. Total room hotel owned Hotel Prada Bali are 30 guest rooms, 2 meeting rooms with a capacity of ± 50 people.
First entered the area Hotel Prada Bali you will be served a typical Balinese building is very grand and spacious, this building is a place where you melakuakan room reservation. At the beginning of this building you will be greeted by two statues / Togog which is a statue guards. Getting into you can find pots with large-sized plants, aquarium fish, the reservation desk and overstuffed sofas where you relax for a moment while waiting for the reservation process. Around this building there are also several mini garden gives the impression of cool and beautiful. Right beside this building you can see buildings hotel rooms which consists of two floors with 10buah rooms, 5 on the lower floor and 5 again on the upper floor. Hotel room at the front of the building there are a Bengong Bale is surrounded mini park.
Getting into, you will find artificial cliffs with various plants attached. Artificial cliffs seem natural that this gives an attractive appearance and fresh in the hotel environment. A larger bale with Balinese style and a swimming pool surrounded by lush gardens will welcome you back. Probe into the south you will see another hotel room floored buildings 2. In this building 20 rooms spread again. Each room contained on this hotel has standard rooms TIPA. Type of each room is its own form of 2 beds, 14-inch TV, air conditioning, wardrobes, dressers, and a bathtub. The front of the room provided the land is used as a veranda complete with chairs and tables that you can use while seeing the sights of a green park dominant display at this hotel. Interior room is designed minimalist by using furniture made from bamboo. This atmosphere will give the impression of a comfortable and natural for those of you who were enjoying the holiday.
The most special facility here is the availability of a large swimming pool at the rear of the hotel, the swimming pool is surrounded by some of the bale patterned Bali, where you can see a view of the pool while sitting on the bench. Coupled with views of the garden surrounding the pool neat with various flowers and green grass. To maintain the cleanliness of the pool, you are not allowed to use soap or shampoo in the pond. This pool is located at the rear of the hotel and can be seen from each room. Well this is crowned facilities Hotel Prada Bali as a Bed and Class III.
The average rate per room at Hotel Prada Bali is Rp. 250,000.00. However, when coupled with the breakfast fare is charged Rp. 300.000,00.untuk more details can be seen in the table below:No.FacilitiesPrice1.
2 beds, 14 inch TV, ACRp. 250,000.002.
2 beds, 14 inch TV, AC + breakfastRp. 300,000.00Cheap is not it ??? So it is not wrong if you choose this hotel as a dwelling while in Bali. For the problem of eating places you do not have to worry because a lot of eating places located around JL. Padanggalak both of which have a peculiar atmosphere and the home has a rustic feel that accentuate the natural scenery can be found there. If you are interested in Balinese food you can also visit a shop that is located 1 km from Hotel Prada Bali named Wr. Lawar Bali. In addition to eating places mushrooming, nearby attractions can also easily be found, such as a Balinese dance performance at the Barong Dance, where fishing and jogging track in Kertalangu Cultural Village. Kertalangu Cultural village is located about 1.5 km from Hotel Prada Bali, this place is very loved today beginning a lot of events that can be done here and there are many things that can dilakuakan here such as fishing, flying fox, jogging, see potters, spa, see farming bees and buy craft-Balinese handicrafts. Regarding the handicraft center as souvenirs you can find in front of the Cultural Village Kertalangu.
To make reservations at Hotel Prada Bali you can come in person or by phone or fax. If you want to book the hotel rooms usually charge an advance of 30% of the number of rooms booked. Here’s a number that you can contact the relevant reservation or other information about Prada Hotel Bali:Telephone: (0361) 281439Fax: (0361) 281439So still confused to choose a cheap hotel in Bali ???
Prada Bali Hotel merupakan salah satu hotel melati di kawasan Denpasar, Bali. Hotel melati sendiri memiliki kelas-kelas tertentu yang dibedakan oleh fasilitas yang dimiliki hotel tersebut. Kelas-kelas tersebut antara lain Kelas I, Kelas II dan Kelas III. Nah, Hotel Prada Bali ini termasuk Hotel Melati Kelas III, dimana selain merupakan hotel murah juga memiliki fasilitas yang hampir menyamai hotel-hotel mewah. Apalagi untuk anda yang ingin liburan di Bali dengan biaya yang relatif murah atau anda yang ingin mengadakan suatu pertemuan, hotel ini siap menerimanya.
Hotel Prada Bali dibangun sejak tahun 1991 di atas tanah seluas 0,5 Ha. Hotel ini tepatnya terletak di JL. Padanggalak No.87 Sanur – Bali. Secara astronomis hotel melati ini dapat ditemukan pada koordinat 8o 39’ 23,8” LS,115o 15’ 36,67” BT. Jarak tempuh dari Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai adalah sekitar 30 menit dan jarak tempuh dari pusat Kota Denpasar adalah sekitar 15 menit. Lingkungan JL. Padanggalak sendiri masih tergolong lingkungan yang sepi dengan didominan areal persawahan. Selain itu hotel ini juga letaknya dekat dengan Pantai Padanggalak yaitu sekitar 700 m ke selatan. Setiap tahunnya Pantai Padanggalak memiliki fungsi yang penting bagi masyarakat di seputaran Kota Denpasar. Jika anda datang di bulan April kemungkinan besar anda akan dapat melihat proses Upacara Melasti yang diadakan mulai dari pagi hari hingga sore hari. Yang mana anda dapat melihat arak-arakan pretima-pretima (benda-benda suci Agama Hindu) seperti Barong Landung. Atau jika anda datang ketika bulan Agustus, anda akan menjumpai festival layang-layang. Disini anda akan melihat aneka layang-layangan rasaksa baik yang bersifat tradisional maupun yang bersifat kreasi (modern). Untuk lebih jelas mengenai lokasi hotel ini berikut petanya:
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Hotel Prada Bali ini didominasi oleh tiga bangunan utama yaitu: bangunan untuk reservasi dan pertemuan pada bagian depan, di bagian kanan (utara) 10 buah kamar hotel dan bagian kiri (selatan) 20 buah kamar hotel, selain bangunan-bangaunan utama tersebut adapula beberapa bangunan tambahan berupa bale-bale yang dapat digunakan untuk mengadakan pertemuan, makan siang maupun bersantai. Total kamar hotel yang dimiliki Hotel Prada Bali adalah 30 buah kamar, dengan 2 ruang pertemuan yang berkapasitas ±50 orang.
Pertama kali memasuki areal Hotel Prada Bali anda akan disuguhkan suatu bangunan khas Bali yang sangat megah dan luas, dimana bangunan ini merupakan tempat anda melakuakan reservasi kamar. Pada awal bangunan ini anda akan disambut dua patung /togog yang merupakan patung penjaga. Semakin kedalam anda dapat menemukan pot-pot dengan tanaman berukuran besar, aquarium ikan, meja reservasi dan sofa empuk tempat anda bersantai sejenak sambil menunggu proses reservasi. Disekitar bangunan ini juga terdapat beberapa taman mini yang memberikan kesan sejuk dan asri. Disamping kanan bangunan ini anda dapat melihat bangunan kamar hotel yang yang terdiri dari dua lantai dengan 10buah kamar, 5 di lantai bawah dan 5 lagi di lantai atas. Di depan bangunan kamar hotel ini terdapat sebuah Bale Bengong yang di kelilingi taman mini.
Semakin kedalam, anda akan menemukan tebing buatan dengan berbagai tanaman yang menempel. Tebing buatan yang terkesan alami ini memberikan tampilan yang menarik dan segar di lingkungan hotel ini. Sebuah bale yang lebih besar dengan style Bali dan kolam renang yang dikelilingi taman rindang akan kembali menyambut anda. Menelisik ke bagian selatan anda akan melihat bangunan kamar hotel lain berlantai 2. Pada bangunan ini tersebar 20 kamar hotel lagi. Masing-masing kamar yang terdapat pada hotel ini memiliki tipa kamar standar. Tipe masing-masing kamar ini sendiri berupa 2 tempat tidur, TV 14 inch, AC, almari, meja rias, dan bathtub. Dibagian depan kamar disediakan lahan yang dimanfaatkan sebagai beranda lengkap dengan kursi dan meja yang dapat anda gunakan sambil melihat-lihat pemandangan taman yang hijau yang dominan di tampilkan di hotel ini. Interior kamar ini didesign minimalis dengan menggunakan perabotan berbahan bamboo. Suasana ini akan memberikan kesan yang nyaman dan alami bagi anda yang sedang menikmati liburan.
Fasilitas yang paling spesial disini adalah tersedianya sebuah kolam renang yang luas di bagian belakang hotel, kolam renang ini dikelilingi oleh beberapa bale bercorak bali, dimana anda dapat melihat pemandangan kolam sambil duduk-duduk di bale-bale tersebut. Ditambah lagi dengan pemandangan kebun disekitar kolam yang tertata rapi dengan beraneka bunga dan rumput hijau. Untuk menjaga kebersihan kolam, anda tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan sabun ataupun shampo di dalam kolam. Kolam ini terletak di bagian belakang hotel dan dapat dilihat dari masing-masing kamar hotel. Nah fasilitas inilah yang menobatkan Hotel Prada Bali sebagai Hotel Melati Kelas III.
Rata-rata tarif setiap kamar di Hotel Prada Bali ini adalah Rp. 250.000,00. Namun jika ditambah dengan breakfast tarif yang dikenakan adalah sebesar Rp. 300.000,00.untuk lebih jelasnya bisa dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini:
No. |
Fasilitas |
Harga |
1. |
2 tempat tidur, TV 14 inch, AC |
Rp. 250.000,00 |
2. |
2 tempat tidur, TV 14 inch, AC +breakfast |
Rp. 300.000,00 |