Category: Tutorial

Where to Choose Hosting for Blog

Where to Choose Hosting for Blog? Depend on Where you Make a blog/blogging. 1. If you use choose self hosted, choose best hosting for your blog here!2. If you use Blogger Platform, you just need, domain name redirect from your blogger blog/ Read Also: How to Make Money with Simple Blog How to Succesfull…
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23/12/2022 0

Cara Membersihkan File Sampah di PC atau Komputer dan Jadi Penyebab Leletnya Internet

Cara Membersihkan File Sampah di PC atau Komputer yang Jadi Penyebab leletnya Internet dan Kinerja Lainnya Banyak faktor yang bikin leletnya internet di Komputer, baik itu yang menggunakan jaringan Modem Kabel/fiber optic atau Modem Wireless (mobile). File sampah atau biasa disebut cache bisa jadi tersangka. Dia terjadi dengan sendirinya dan tidak terpengaruh apa salurannya. Seperti…
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06/12/2022 1

Short Cut for Audio Fadeout in premiere?

Short Cut for Audio Fadeout in premiere? Likely ctrl+d for cross dissolve in Video Track, Short Cut for Audio Fadeout in premiere. CTRL-Shift -D   will give you an audio  fade. instead of aan audio cross dissolve. If you are at the end of an audio clip and its not butted against another (which it shouldnt…
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05/12/2022 0
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