Category: Bali

Best 10 Place Must Visit in Bali

Many people say that Bali is overrated, too touristy and not worth to visit. I guess it really all depends how you would enjoy Bali. Not only that it has been popular in it’s own right, with post eat, pray, love, is there still the Bali that started it all?Regardless, as time has passed, and…
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03/12/2022 0

The List of Cheap Hotel in Bali

List of Cheap Hotels in BaliBali is a haven for local and foreign tourists. It causes a lot of hotels and restorant scattered in almost all corners of Bali.Hotels in Bali provide a wide range vasilitas, both international and vasilitas vasilitas somewhat secondary.  That’s why we will provide data on List Hotels in Bali in…
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19/11/2022 0

Welcome Holidays to Bali Indonesia 2017

Bali Island is one of the famoust Island in the World, Located in Indonesia. It is one of the most favorite tourist destinations in the world with a lot of fascinations for tourist to come and see the cultures, Balinese Life, beautiful coast, mountain, hotels, villas, resort and others. It is a unique island which…
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01/11/2022 0
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